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Using containers

Containers are a great solution to isolate a software environment, especially in batch systems like lxplus. Currently, two container solutations are supported Apptainer (previously called Singularity), and Docker.

Using Apptainer


One-line access to TensorFlow + PyTorch + Numpy + JupyterLab on lxplus:

apptainer shell -B /afs -B /eos --nv /cvmfs/

More information

The service mounts on CVMFS contains many apptainer images, some of which are suitable for machine learning applications. A description of each image is beyond the scope of this document. However, if you find an image useful for your application, you can use it by running an Apptainer container with the appropriate options. For example:

apptainer run --nv --bind <bind_mount_path> /cvmfs/<path_to_image>


After installing the package, you can then use GPU-based machine learning algorithms. Two examples are supplied.

  1. The first example aims at using a CNN to perform handwritten digits classification with MNIST dataset. The notebook can be found at pytorch_mnist. This example is modified from an official pytorch example.

  2. The second example is modified from the simple MLP example from weaver-benchmark. The notebook can be found at toptagging_mlp.

Using Docker

Docker is currently supported on lxplus9 interactive nodes (through emulation of the CLI with Podman) and on HTCondor for job submission.

This option can be very handy for users, as HTCondor can pull images from any public registry, like DockerHub or GitLab registry. The user can follow this workflow: 1. Define a custom image on top of a commonly available pytorch or tensorflow image 2. Add the desired packages and configuration 3. Push the docker image on a registry 4. Use the image in a HTCondor job

The rest of the page is a step-by-step tutorial for this workflow.

Define the image

  1. Define a file Dockerfile

    FROM pytorch/pytorch:latest
    ADD localfolder_with_code /opt/mycode
    RUN  cd /opt/mycode && pip install -e . # or pip install requirements
    # Install the required Python packages
    RUN pip install \
        numpy \
        sympy \
        scikit-learn \
        numba \
        opt_einsum \
        h5py \
        cytoolz \
        tensorboardx \
        seaborn \
        rich \
    ADD requirements.txt 
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Build the image

    docker build -t username/pytorch-condor-gpu:tag .

    and push it (after having setup the credentials with docker login

    docker push username/pytorch-condor-gpu:tag
  3. Setup the condor job with a submission file submitfile as:

    universe                = docker
    docker_image            = user/pytorch-condor-gpu:tag
    executable              =
    when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
    output                  = $(ClusterId).$(ProcId).out
    error                   = $(ClusterId).$(ProcId).err
    log                     = $(ClusterId).$(ProcId).log
    request_gpus            = 1
    request_cpus            = 2
    +Requirements           = OpSysAndVer =?= "CentOS7"
    +JobFlavour = espresso
    queue 1
  4. For testing purpose one can start a job interactively and debug

    condor_submit -interactive submitfile